Employee Relations

Our staff are our most important asset. Within our staff is embedded our standards, our culture, our business ethos and our future. SYR faces a number of challenges and opportunities and how we motivate and sustain our workforce will determine our success as a business.

Employee relations

Our aim: to be an employer of choice and to create a workplace environment where all employees feel valued, supported and informed. SYR is a non-discriminatory employer and our management strive to achieve a culture based on responsibility, excellence and respect which builds on the talent of our workforce. It is the policy to treat all current or potential employees fairly and without prejudice. SYR is committed to eliminating any unfair or discriminatory practices should they occur.

All employees will be given the opportunity to progress on merit without regard to their gender, marital or parental status, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, religious belief, political affiliation, age or disability. We are committed to fair pay and benefits.

This ethos is embedded in business practice through employment and other procedures and policy. We wish to actively encourage more employee participation in the workplace, in suggesting ideas, improvements and contributing more proactively to the development of the company at all levels.

Health & Safety

Our aim: to provide our staff with a safe and healthy working environment, to ensure everyone has the knowledge and ability to operate safely. SYR is committed to achieving the best practicable standard of health and safety for our employees, customers and visitors. SYR is developing a Health & Safety Management System in accordance with the principles of HSG 65 and ISO 18001) and is committed to improving global Health and Safety with respect to its employees, customers, suppliers, contractors, visitors, shareholders and its communities. To attain this commitment, SYR conducts its business in accordance with the principle of beyond compliance and collaboration.

We strive to achieve continuous improvement, risk prevention, cost effective development of human resource and the reduction of loss and prevention of harm. Health and Safety is core to our business and a key indicator of organisational excellence. We believe all incidents and injuries are preventable and that every employee is expected to actively participate in our health and safety efforts.

Staff Development

Our aim: to motivate our staff to achieve the highest possible standards of work through training, education and communication. SYR are looking to improve staff learning & development throughout the business for the purpose of developing and utilising skills that in the past, to some degree have gone unrecognised. It has been identified through learning needs analysis, that we have a wide range of experienced and highly skilled employees at all levels of the business, their knowledge and experience can be utilised in such a way the business can only profit through continual growth.

SYR have introduced a employee relations training scheme and are working to improve our modern apprenticeship programme, running alongside this is the introduction of job talks for all staff, this will identify how and who will require what training and when: in turn, our career succession plan will be visible and active.

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About SYR

Innovation and invention has been at the heart of Scot Young Research since its beginnings in 1954.

In 1985 the switch was made into manufacturing, influenced by the company’s service roots in cleaning.

Contact us

AU Office Address:
JTY Imports/ Exports Pty Ltd
22 Raynham St, Salisbury
Queensland 4107

Normal Enquiry: info@syrclean.com.au
Email Order: sales@syrclean.com.au

Trading Hours: MON-FRI, 9am-5pm
(close weekends & public holidays)